change & transformation delivery

Are you struggling to persuade your colleagues to get excited about new technology, or a major change in way of working that is coming their way? Are you worrying about the staff resistance to change that you know is coming in your direction? I can help with managing change models or change in technology.

So if you are struggling with this, you are not alone. Most leaders are fully engaged with the day to day challenges of running their organisation and struggle to imagine how best to tackle the problems that change creates. The good news is you can stop worrying.

I have a tried and tested ‘Change Toolkit’ ready to be deployed in support of any technology or organisational change. I can show you on how to best use the tools yourselves, or come alongside and help you fully embed the change -  leaving you to manage the day-to-day business challenges. The choice is yours.

Do get in touch to explain your challenge, and discover how I can help your change be successful.

Business transformation requires careful thought about the impact of change upon its people. Fortunately, change management techniques and tools now exist to help management engage with staff about change and ensure that the strategic aims of any change are supported by its people.

Services Include:

Change and the Organisation: Defining Change

Drivers for Change
Key Roles in Organisational Change
Vision Statements
Stakeholder Engagement

Leadership and Engagement
Empathy Mapping
Managing Relationships and Mobilising Stakeholders
Change Impact

Change Impact, Risk, and Continuity Model
Gap Analysis
Stakeholder Impact Assessment
Sustaining Change

Levers and Leverage
Levels of Adoption and Critical Mass
Reinforcing Systems

If you have a change process to grapple with in your business, do give us a call for some help and support…..
