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How Insurance Technology Can Transform Operations for Better Profitability

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Insurance companies’ technology and operations functions have traditionally operated independently. Technology facilitated the operations staff’s work, but operations—underwriting, claims, and marketing—was the principal driver of corporate performance. The relationship between the two functions is changing as insurers allocate more resources to technology functions without making similar investments in operational ones. Incumbents hope this shift will …

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Embrace AI or Get Left Behind: Thriving in the AI-Driven Landscape

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: How will AI affect businesses and employees? It’s the million-dollar question, and according to Harvard Business School’s Raffaella Sadun, the answer will depend on how well an organisation connects the new technologies to both a broad corporate vision and individual employee growth. One without the other is a recipe for job elimination and fewer …

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Embracing AI: Transforming the Insurance Landscape and What That Means for Underwriting

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Welcome to the future of insurance, as seen through the eyes of Scott, a customer in the year 2030. His digital personal assistant orders him a a vehicle with self-driving capabilities for a meeting across town. Upon hopping into the arriving car, Scott decides he wants to drive today and moves the car into “active” …

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How to Get Your Staff Up to Speed Quickly After an IT Change…

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: As company leaders continue to update their daily operational systems and how they conduct business with clients in a modern age, it’s no easy feat to get the team on board in one fell swoop or bring everyone up to speed in the same time frame. To facilitate a smooth transition when you’re ready …