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Striking the Right Balance: Humans and AI in a Transformative Era

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Generative AI is set to revolutionise the workforce, dramatically changing what we do and how we do it. As we enter this new era of generative AI, business leaders face the difficult task of discerning how to implement the technology alongside their workforce—and whether it will replace certain positions altogether. As companies look for …

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Tech Innovations Reshaping Insurance Underwriting: A Top 10 Overview

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: In the rapidly evolving landscape of the insurance industry, technology has become a driving force behind enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. One of the critical areas where technology is making a substantial impact is underwriting. Underwriting decisions form the bedrock of insurance, determining the risk profile of policyholders and setting premiums accordingly. In this article, we …

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A Guide to Decoding the Right Risk Placement Platform

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Making a well-informed choice on which electronic risk placement platform you adopt when PPL forces you off its current v3 system in October sounds like a sensible thing to do. It’s a strategic decision, after all, and one that will seriously affect your working practice either in a positive or negative way. Since the …