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Redefining Risk Assessment: The Machine Learning Edge in Underwriting

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: In the rapidly evolving landscape of the insurance industry, technology has become a driving force behind enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. One of the critical areas where technology is making a substantial impact is underwriting. Underwriting decisions form the bedrock of insurance, determining the risk profile of policyholders and setting premiums accordingly. In this article, we …

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Optimising Underwriting in the Digital Age: A Guide to Essential Workbench Features

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Global underwriters are increasingly adopting underwriting workbenches to streamline workflows, integrating established technologies with cutting-edge advancements in AI automation and data-driven decision-making. These professionals typically use diverse tools daily, scattered across an insurer’s tech ecosystem. An underwriter’s workbench neatly consolidates these tools into a unified, streamlined interface.  In this article, we will explore the …

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Outdated vs. Effective: Personalisation in Change Management

In Uncategorized by Roger Lewis

Full article with thanks to: Successfully transforming an organisation continues to be one of the greatest challenges facing leaders, as it requires changing the behaviours and underlying mindsets of a critical mass of people. Behavioural-science research shows that there are four levers to driving change: role modelling, fostering understanding and conviction, reinforcing with formal mechanisms, and building confidence and skills. Together, these are …