Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/how-do-we-manage-the-change-journey In Beyond Performance 2.0: A Proven Approach to Leading Large-Scale Change (John Wiley & Sons, 2019), McKinsey’s Scott Keller and Bill Schaninger draw on their long experience, and the most comprehensive research effort of its kind, to provide a practical, proven guide for executives managing corporate transformations. “A better way to lead large-scale change,” the first …
How Enterprises Can Thrive by Continuously Adapting Their Architecture
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/perpetual-evolution-the-management-approach-required-for-digital-transformation Companies that commit to continually updating their enterprise architectures can deliver goods and services as fast as Internet-born competitors do. Internet retailers can make crucial changes to their e-commerce websites within hours, while it takes brick-and-mortar retailers three months or more to do the same. Cloud-based enterprise software suppliers can update their products in days …
Navigating the Future: Adopting Digital for Market Readiness
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/industries/financial-services/our-insights/insurance-blog/the-how-of-digital-and-analytics-in-insurance Last week, a gathering of business and digital insurance leaders focused on a common question: We know why and what to pursue in a digital transformation—but how do we get it done? Insurance executives are acutely aware of the need to imbue their company with digital and analytics capabilities. They know why they need to pursue …
Redefining Risk Assessment: The Machine Learning Edge in Underwriting
Full article with thanks to: techround.co.uk/guides/tech-improves-underwriting-decisions-insurance In the rapidly evolving landscape of the insurance industry, technology has become a driving force behind enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. One of the critical areas where technology is making a substantial impact is underwriting. Underwriting decisions form the bedrock of insurance, determining the risk profile of policyholders and setting premiums accordingly. In this article, we …
Striking the Right Balance: Humans and AI in a Transformative Era
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/08/17/navigating-change-management-in-the-era-of-generative-ai Generative AI is set to revolutionise the workforce, dramatically changing what we do and how we do it. As we enter this new era of generative AI, business leaders face the difficult task of discerning how to implement the technology alongside their workforce—and whether it will replace certain positions altogether. As companies look for …
The Five Pillars of Effective Digital Innovation Governance
Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/rethinking-governance-for-digital-innovation Rapid, iterative, customer-centric innovation is possible in large companies — but not if you carry over your traditional ways of working. Innovative ventures need innovative governance. When global chemical company BASF launched its Onono lab in São Paulo, Brazil, its mission was to accelerate innovation through rapid collaboration with local partners and startups. But …
Navigating Change in Underwriting: The Path to Digital Integration
Full article with thanks to: nsurancethoughtleadership.com/going-digital/rules-digital-transformation Insurance systems need to talk to each other. They must be able to store, share, retrieve and use the same data. Data should flow unimpeded from the first collection of information, from a prospect or census, through underwriting to policy administration to claims. Failure to integrate data adds cost and complexity and introduces errors. …
Why Change Management is Crucial Before Implementing a New System
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/04/19/to-successfully-implement-a-new-system-make-change-management-a-priority In the evolving post-pandemic business landscape, digital transformation is inescapable. Companies across every industry are leveraging technology at the centre of their outlooks and relying on a rapidly growing menu of SaaS and AI solutions to facilitate daily business processes. Spending on digitisation and automation is projected to reach $3.4 trillion U.S. dollars by 2026 (doubling 2022 …
Change Management in Focus: The Four Enduring Factors of Success
Full article with thanks to: hbr.org/2005/10/the-hard-side-of-change-management When French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” he could have been penning an epigram about change management. For over three decades, academics, managers, and consultants, realising that transforming organisations is difficult, have dissected the subject. They’ve sung the praises of leaders who communicate vision and walk the talk …
From Vision to Reality: Secrets to Building Winning Roadmaps for Business
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/09/14/20-effective-and-industry-current-roadmapping-methods-and-tips/ Developing a roadmap is a key skill for a tech leader or product manager. These dynamic, visual plans detail the scope of both individual projects and tech team initiatives, and they unify stakeholders around a common vision that’s highlighted by essential tasks, goals and priorities. While there are a number of roadmapping strategies and …
The Missing Link in Change Implementation: Ownership and Commitment
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/operations/our-insights/secrets-of-successful-change-implementation Any executive who has led a major change program knows that even the most carefully planned programs can fail because of mediocre implementation. Turning plans into reality isn’t easy, and certain companies seem to be better at it than others. To learn how some of the world’s leading companies ensure implementation excellence, we conducted a survey …
From Chaos to Clarity: How Processes Enhance Organisational Efficiency
In the contemporary realm of management, organisations are increasingly recognising the pivotal role of processes in achieving efficiency, coordination, and clarity. This blog delves into the transformative potential of processes in enhancing organisational efficiency and offers a comprehensive overview of this crucial concept. Let’s explore this journey step by step: The Imperative for Process-Oriented Management In today’s rapidly evolving business …
Adaptive Leadership: Key Benefits for Leading Change Successfully
Leadership is an ever-evolving journey, and one of the greatest challenges that leaders face is the unpredictability of their roles. The past couple of years have been a stark reminder of how dramatically and unexpectedly the job requirements of leaders can change. From responding to the pandemic to managing remote workforces and addressing issues like social justice, supply chain disruptions, …
The Five Pillars of Effective Change Management: Insights from a Consultant
Full article with thanks to: medium.com/@abhijeet.gaware/5-fundamental-facts-about-change-management-explained Change management is a specialised field of study within the context of a particular organisation whereby it is a stated fact that change is essentially nothing but a state of transition from the present state of the business to a future one. Business organisations mostly look forward to one singular thing during the entire timeline …
The Power of ‘Why’ in Change Management: 6 Key Steps to Success
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/janesparrow/2021/05/07/ten-tips-for-effective-change-management-that-puts-your-team-first More so than ever right now, teams are working in a fully remote or hybrid way. This means it’s more important than ever to have effective change management strategies in place, to suit this new way of working. For leaders, an important part of this is making sure that we do everything in our …
The Four Key Routines for Sustained High Performance in Agile Organisations
Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/creating-management-processes-built-for-change Good management processes help a company execute its strategy and exercise its capabilities. But in fast-changing business environments, companies also need agile management processes that can help the organisation change when needed. The word “agility” has entered the business lexicon like few other terms in recent memory.1 Today’s strategists extol the importance of strategic agility …
Decoding Change: The Formula for Organisational Transformation
Anyone who pulls the organisation in new directions must look inward as well as outward. Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/featured-insights/leadership/change-leader-change-thyself Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist, famously wrote, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Tolstoy’s dictum is a useful starting point for any executive engaged in organisational change. After years of collaborating in efforts …
Mastering Change Management: Understanding Driving Forces and Navigating Roadblocks
Full article with thanks to: online.hbs.edu/blog/post/change-management-process Businesses must constantly evolve and adapt to meet a variety of challenges—from changes in technology, to the rise of new competitors, to a shift in laws, regulations, or underlying economic trends. Failure to do so could lead to stagnation or, worse, failure. Approximately 50 percent of all organisational change initiatives are unsuccessful, highlighting why knowing how …
Navigating the Culture-Transformation Matrix: Balancing Continuity and Change in Digital Transformations
Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/cracking-the-culture-code-for-successful-digital-transformation Finding the right balance between continuity and change can help leaders better manage the cultural changes that occur during a digital transformation. Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/cracking-the-culture-code-for-successful-digital-transformation Digital transformation transcends technology and business models. Organisational culture also plays a critical role in successfully leading an organisation into the digital era; indeed, the success …
Change is About People: First, Last, Always
Full article with thanks to: cio.com/article/306342/10-hard-truths-of-change-management.html For IT, change is constant — so too is the need to assess, address, and reinforce your organisation’s ability to adapt and transform. The days of one-off change management initiatives are over. Rather than tackle organisational change management with an end in mind, IT leaders and their organisations must now exist in an environment …
Change to Survive: Learning How to Do So Quickly, May May Be One of the Most Important Powers of Tomorrow’s Successful Companies
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/06/01/embracing-change-in-the-workplace The ability to quickly retool how we get things done may be one of the most important powers of tomorrow’s successful companies. And shedding our natural reluctance to change could be one of the biggest advantages we’ll attribute to the recent years of global turmoil. For eons, the process of work has changed constantly, …
Digital Transformation for Small Businesses: Making it Work for You
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2023/06/15/digital-transformation-in-finance-how-companies-can-boost-resiliency/?sh=3a68a8f14dd8 Heading into 2023, many economists predicted that this would be yet another challenging year. Q1 began with the continuation of management teams trimming operating costs in the form of mass layoffs across business industries in attempts to offset an inflationary and high-interest-rate environment and came to a close with industrywide worries about the health of the global banking …
Cracking the Conundrum: Balancing ‘Doing,’ Managing, and Leading for Successful Change Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/hillennevins/2023/06/22/crack-the-do-manage-lead-conundrum Are Your Focusing Your Time And Energy In The Right Places? “Are Management and Leadership different?” is one of the oldest questions you’ll hear at business schools, and in some ways it’s the MBA’s equivalent of the ancient theological question “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” Management and Leadership …
Adapting to the Unchangeable: Strategies for Embracing Transformative Change in Business
The breakneck pace of AI development, new use case applications for peer-to-peer connectivity and the ease or availability of mediums through which you can reach to market and engage with your target audience are unlike any other time in the documented human history—but does this mean the survival in this ever-changing landscape is only for the deliverer of these tech …
The Power of Retrospectives: Essential Tools for Effective Change Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbooksauthors/2023/06/22/why-retrospectives-should-be-in-every-managers-toolkit In the arts, a retrospective is a career review. One might take in the Andy Warhol retrospective at MoMA or the Stanley Kubrick retrospective downtown. In business, a retrospective is also a sort of review, but with the focus on assessing progress and problems and determining next steps. It’s been standard practice in software …
Workplace Management: 9 Essential Questions Smart Leaders Use for Change Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/rodgerdeanduncan/2023/05/26/9-questions-to-help-you-manage-your-workplace-smartly For most of us, change is not a sometime thing. It’s an all-the-time thing. And as one Army general said: if you don’t like change, you’ll like irrelevance even less. Sure, change is sometimes uncomfortable. But nothing is as uncomfortable as staying stuck where you don’t belong. Most every workplace change involves an adjustment …
The Human Side of Change Management: Unveiling the Power of Getting Personal
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/getting-personal-about-change Asurefire way to shoot yourself in the foot when you’re leading a large-scale change effort is to ignore what’s on the minds of your employees. In research we conducted for our recently published book, Beyond Performance 2.0 (John Wiley & Sons, July 2019), we found that executives at exactly zero companies that disregarded an analysis of employee …
Proven Strategies to Inspire Effective Leadership and Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2023/06/15/how-to-instill-leadership-in-management It’s easy to conflate management and leadership, even though they are two very different experiences, each requiring its own unique skill set. “Manager” is a role of appointment, while “leader” is a role of selection. The standard for managing can be met with tactical execution through others, while leadership raises the bar and focuses …
Mastering Change Management: Five Dynamic Approaches for Shaping a Shared Vision
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/03/30/in-pursuit-of-a-shared-vision-five-change-management-approaches-for-changing-times/?sh=6d0f654e61cb At all levels of an enterprise, the most defining change of the past decade may be the pace of change itself. Rapid technological innovation and evolving information streams have amplified the importance of agile approaches, and nowhere more so than in change management. Harvard Business School defines change management as the overall approach to guiding organisational …
Effortless Reorganisation: A Blueprint for Seamless Change Management and Communication
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/reorganization-without-tears A corporate reorganisation doesn’t have to create chaos. But many do when there is no clear plan for communicating with employees and other stakeholders early, often, and over an extended period. Most executives and their employees dread corporate reorganisations, as we can personally attest. During our combined 35 years of advising companies on organisational matters, …
System Implementation Success: Prioritising Change Management for Seamless Integration
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/04/19/to-successfully-implement-a-new-system-make-change-management-a-priority In the evolving post-pandemic business landscape, digital transformation is inescapable. Companies across every industry are leveraging technology at the centre of their outlooks and relying on a rapidly growing menu of SaaS and AI solutions to facilitate daily business processes. Spending on digitisation and automation is projected to reach $3.4 trillion U.S. dollars by 2026 (doubling 2022 …
Lead Yourself, Lead Others: The Key to Effective Change Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/06/26/before-you-manage-others-manage-yourself-first/?sh=14ab35591b20 Pre-flight safety briefings have become more engaging in the past few years—from innovative videos to cabin crews’ comedic routines or musical variations. But the subject matter really hasn’t changed. If you are a frequent flyer like me, you could probably give the safety demonstration yourself. Despite the countless times I’ve heard the guidelines, one …
How Customer Value Drives the Digital Transformation Path
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/06/26/before-you-manage-others-manage-yourself-first/?sh=14ab35591b20 During the past several years, the digitisation of business processes accelerated more than anyone thought possible. Overall, these changes had a positive impact on businesses, enabling them to meet market demand, overcome staff and supply chain shortages and even find more efficient paths to market and revenue. While the collective experience has been a …
The Four Building Blocks of Change Management according to McKinsey
Full article with thanks to: www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-four-building-blocks–of-change Four key actions influence employee mind-sets and behaviour. Here’s why they matter. Large-scale organisational change has always been difficult, and there’s no shortage of research showing that a majority of transformations continue to fail. Today’s dynamic environment adds an extra level of urgency and complexity. Companies must increasingly react to sudden shifts in the marketplace, …
From Now to Next: How Change Management Creates Business Success
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2023/04/26/change-management-how-to-get-from-now-to-next/?sh=5635389c5be6 As a leader, if there is one change management challenge that is never easy to navigate, it is a layoff. It is a complex and emotional experience and can be difficult for your employees and the organisation. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of the best way to navigate this uncertain time because …
Organisational Culture: Communication as the Heartbeat of Employee Engagement
Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/communication-is-at-the-heart-of-positive-employee-relationships In today’s competitive job market, companies must focus not only on finding the best candidates but also on fostering positive relationships with them, starting with the first step of the recruitment process through every stage of employment. Communication is key to successfully creating those connections. How leaders communicate with prospective and current staff members …
How Companies Are Relearning How to Learn
Full article with thanks to: sloanreview.mit.edu/article/its-time-to-face-the-three-challenges-of-learning Most executives acknowledge that learning is crucial to the performance of their business. But at a recent research workshop that my team and I ran with executives from over 40 companies, it became clear that organisations’ traditional learning models are facing pressure from the emergence of new work models. The participants identified these three …
The Unpredictable Path: Exploring the Irrational Side of Change Management
Full article with thanks to: mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-irrational-side-of-change-management Most change programs fail, but the odds of success can be greatly improved by taking into account these counterintuitive insights about how employees interpret their environment and choose to act. In 1996, John Kotter published Leading Change. Considered by many to be the seminal work in the field of change management, Kotter’s research revealed that …
Rollouts Made Easy: Understanding the Process and Benefit of Managing the People Change properly
Full article with thanks to: investopedia.com/terms/r/rollout.asp What Is a Rollout? Rollout is an informal business term for the introduction and integration of a new product or service to the market. A rollout often refers to a significant product release, which is frequently accompanied by a strong marketing campaign, to generate consumer interest. There can also be rollouts of new changes within …
Navigating Change in the Digital Era: Strategies for Effective Change Management
Full article with thanks to: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forrester/2023/06/23/change-management-in-digital-transformation/?sh=9db2f6316974 Change resistance is derailing transformations at an alarming rate. It’s no surprise that, according to Forrester’s Business And Technology Services Survey, 2022, change resistance is among the five most frequently selected challenges in executing digital transformation: 21% of global services decision-makers supporting their organisation’s digital transformation cited implementation of new processes and capabilities as one …
Generative AI Enhances Customer Service Jobs, Not Erases Them
Full article with thanks to: https://hbr.org/2023/03/generative-ai-will-enhance-not-erase-customer-service-jobs The potential for generative AI like ChatGPT to disrupt how humans interact with computers, change how information is retrieved, and transform jobs across industries has left a lot of company leaders scratching their heads. As with other breakthroughs in AI, ChatGPT and similar large language models (LLMs) raise big questions about their impact on jobs and …
Balancing Your Product and Behavioural Change with The 9x Effect
Full article with thanks to: hbr.org/2006/06/eager-sellers-and-stony-buyers-understanding-the-psychology-of-new-product-adoption More than a century ago, Ralph Waldo Emerson is reported to have said, “If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.” If only marketing …
Innovation Should Not Be a Leap of Faith
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/11/22/transformative-technology-requires-a-journey-of-trust/?sh=3fa3e6437277 The capacity for technology innovation to improve people’s lives depends first and foremost on individuals’ and communities’ willingness to use it, and the importance of the latter’s trust grows as the former promises greater transformation. A journey to earning it should be core to any development plan and every MVP. Innovation Should Not Require …
Looking for Better Adoption of Your New Technology?
Full article thanks to: inc.com/greg-satell/4-principles-of-digital-transformation.html When Steve Jobs and Apple launched the Macintosh with great fanfare in 1984, it was to be only one step in a long journey that began with Douglas Engelbart’s Mother of All Demos and the development of the Alto at Xerox PARC more than a decade before. The Macintosh was, in many ways, the culmination of everything that came …
Four “Must-haves” to Unstick Your Change Programme
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2022/02/09/no-urgency-no-champion-no-change-four-must-haves-to-drive-organizational-change/?sh=3af6321b2150 Recently, I was speaking with a colleague about one of his clients. He was relaying a story about key customer-facing initiatives, many years in development, that were languishing in his client’s organization. While some elements had been activated, the entirety of the scope had not been realized. These next-level initiatives were planned to improve …
How to Get Your Staff Up to Speed Quickly After an IT Change…
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2022/03/11/change-management-13-ways-to-introduce-new-technology As company leaders continue to update their daily operational systems and how they conduct business with clients in a modern age, it’s no easy feat to get the team on board in one fell swoop or bring everyone up to speed in the same time frame. To facilitate a smooth transition when you’re ready …
Why Organisational Change Management Can Improve IT Processes
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2021/09/20/use-organizational-change-management-to-keep-it-moving-forward Modern device management for over-the-air provisioning. AI-enabled automation. Proactive problem detection. These are a few ways to enable better digital workplace experiences. But delivering better experiences requires more than just new technology. To ensure digital transformation success, IT leaders must address organisational change management (OCM). Here is what IT leaders can do to advance OCM …
How Comms Professionals Prepare An Organisation For Change
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2022/02/24/how-comms-pros-can-prepare-their-organizations-for-constant-change When it comes to creating a healthy organisational culture in an ever-evolving business landscape, employee communication and engagement are key to successful change management. Ensuring the most consequential messaging gets through to the most important stakeholders in an organisation falls within the purview of its communications team, so the ability to create and execute …
Why IT Leaders Need To Remember About Change Management
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinessdevelopmentcouncil/2021/09/20/use-organizational-change-management-to-keep-it-moving-forward Modern device management for over-the-air provisioning. AI-enabled automation. Proactive problem detection. These are a few ways to enable better digital workplace experiences. But delivering better experiences requires more than just new technology. To ensure digital transformation success, IT leaders must address organisational change management (OCM). Here is what IT leaders can do to advance OCM …
The Return To Work Is Not The Same For Everyone
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/drnancydoyle/2022/04/01/return-to-work-three-considerations-for-neurodivergent-employees So despite some rising Covid case wobbles, there is a renewed determination for businesses to return to work as we inch towards an endemic pandemic. Many reports are unhelpfully setting this up as a battle between managers and workers, with overbearing managers demanding returns and employees resisting the commute. Whilst we are seeing some …
Successful Change Management – 20 tips and Tactics
Full article with thanks to: change.walkme.com/successful-change-management What separates successful change management from unsuccessful change management? Driving organisational change is certainly not easy, which is why it’s so important to plan and execute change projects carefully. Below, we’ll cover 20 tips and techniques that can streamline change programs, increase the rate of success, and improve outcomes. Here are some of the …
Change Management: When Saying Nothing is a Mistake
Full article with thanks to: blog.smarp.com/change-management-how-to-stop-misinformation-in-the-workplace Change management is hard as most people are not happy about leaving their comfort zones. However, change is inevitable for businesses that want to improve and grow. When implementing change, the most important thing for success is an effective internal communication strategy that prevents misinformation in the workplace and prepares employees for the change. So what …
5 Change Management Models
Full article with thanks to: blog.smarp.com/5-change-management-models-to-take-a-look-at Your teams’ ability to adapt to change has a direct impact on your business’s bottom line. Your teams’ ability to adapt to change has a direct impact on your business’s bottom line. The thing is, there’s no unique way to embrace change. The change management program you are about to implement depends on your industry, the company’s culture, …
Top Tips on Change Communication
Full article with thanks to: blog.smarp.com/change-communication-definition-and-best-practices Implementing the right change communication strategy is never an easy job. As most people resist change in the workplace, effective change… Implementing the right change communication strategy is never an easy job. As most people resist change in the workplace, effective change communications is the most important prerequisite for a successful organisational change. The business …
A Clear Purpose is Critical to Making Change That Lasts
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/davidmichels/2021/12/06/a-new-years-resolution-for-2022-deploying-your-skills-to-lead-through-change/?sh=3832db767049 “Change is no longer a project with a defined start and end. It is continuous, and accelerating … Being able to lead through change is no longer an optional skill.” I wrote those words in early 2019 in an article called “Change Is Changing.” That article focused on the ways traditional change management approaches …
How to Manage a Crisis in 2022
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/edwardsegal/2021/12/13/8-ways-companies-could-change-how-they-manage-a-crisis-in-2022/?sh=3dbfd96651dd Taking a cue from Winston Churchill’s observation that, “Generals are always prepared to fight the last war,” business leaders should make a reality about their plans to prevent or manage a crisis at their company or organisation in the new year: Will they be prepared to respond to their next crisis—or their last one? How company executives answer …
The Power Middle-managers’ Have to Navigate Change
Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2021/11/19/why-change-management-is-the-most-critical-leadership-skill/?sh=b0f6b8d3f220 Over the past 20 months, it’s become clear why change management is one of the most essential leadership skills. Knowing how to lead and manage through tumultuous and unexpected changes can make or break a company. While the pandemic was an unexpected event that affected everyone, knowing how to manage change is also about …
How to Drive Change Management within the Insurance Industry
Full article with thanks to: neosllc.com/how-to-drive-change-management-within-the-insurance-industry For many insurance leaders looking to improve customer experience, launch new products, or implement new technology, there is an underlying theme behind each of these actions—change management. And change management is an activity weighing on leaders’ minds around the world. According to a 2019 LIMRA study that analysed the biggest challenges of C-suite life insurance executives …
What Digital And Underwriting Changes Mean To The Insurance Industry
So what does digital and underwriting changes mean to the insurance industry? We take a look at new technologies, marketing, ad campaigns and other tools. Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2019/12/11/what-digital-and-underwriting-changes-mean-to-the-insurance-industry Digital transformation is disrupting the insurance industry, and the changes are creating both new demands and new opportunities. While quick online quotes may be the most readily evident transformation …
Change Management Is Key to Guiding Your Business Towards A ‘New Normal’ In 2021
Guiding your business doesn’t have to be a challenge. Change management is the key to business development and success. Learn the hows and whys: Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/johnnywarstrom/2021/02/08/change-management-is-key-to-guiding-your-business-towards-a-new-normal-in-2021 Nearly all businesses around the world have undergone an organisational change in one way or another during the last year. As nations begin to heal, talks of the “new normal” …
Change Management: Why It’s Good to Challenge
Learn why it’s good to challenge your business and embrace change management before it’s too late. We take a look at the key attributes to navigating change. Full article with thanks to: thetransformationleadershub.com/why-for-success This article is the first in a series that discusses the key attributes to successfully navigating change and transformation from practical experience. The aim of the articles …
5 Questions Boards Should Be Asking About Digital Transformation
Board members should consider digital transformation as an essential part of their current business model. Learn why digital transformation is valuable. Full article with thanks to: hbr.org/2021/06/5-questions-boards-should-be-asking-about-digital-transformation The CEO of a large retail company recently brought a $500 million digital-transformation-investment plan to his board. The board reviewed the proposal, but after asking a number of questions, they were unable to …
How Good Is Your Company At Change Management?
Have you considered how good is your company at change management? If you’re unsure what exactly change management is – see the benefits of applying it. Full article with thanks to: hbr.org/2021/07/how-good-is-your-company-at-change It was a month like no other that Delta Air Lines had ever experienced: March 2020. Travel bans and rising coronavirus fears sent bookings into negative territory—more customers were cancelling …
Change Management: How to Eat The Change Elephant
Are you wondering how to implement change management? Learn how to overcome obstacles during change management with small changes over a period of time. Full article with thanks to: hbr.org/2021/05/break-down-change-management-into-small-steps Business transformation has traditionally been associated with large, drawn-out initiatives. After the Great Recession, they became smaller, faster, and more focused, yet change management was still executed in a mostly …
The Evolution Of Digital Transformation
Learn the evolution of digital transformation to get a better idea of how to use digital transformation in your organisation. Change management is the solution. Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/08/12/the-evolution-of-digital-transformation The urgency of marketplace competition has long been the driver for making digital transformation a priority for enterprise organisations both large and small, in basically every industry. In recent …
Change Management: The Importance of The Three Phases
We dive through the three phases of change management – action, movement and monument. Learn how these phases can drastically improve your organisation. Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2021/07/28/the-three-phases-of-change-management Creating any type of big change in an organization takes thoughtfulness, commitment, accountability and patience — though not as much as you might think! It’s often assumed that change takes immense …
Pandemic Accentuates Two Problems With Change Management: One Is Change, The Other Is Management
Learn what problems have occurred with change management during the Covid-19 Pandemic and how your organisation can tackle them going forward. Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/grantfreeland/2020/06/29/pandemic-accentuates-two-problems-with-change-management-one-is-change-the-other-is-management With the global pandemic forcing most institutions and individuals to change much of what they do, and how they do it, I’m reluctant to state the obvious: Things haven’t always gone well. But …
Change Management: 10 Tips for Effective Change
Want your organisation to implement effective change? Whether it’s for market advantage, silo mentality, cultural change or something else – take control now. Full article with thanks to: forbes.com/sites/janesparrow/2021/05/07/ten-tips-for-effective-change-management-that-puts-your-team-first More so than ever right now, teams are working in a fully remote or hybrid way. This means it’s more important than ever to have effective change management strategies in place, …
Digital Transformation: Don’t Forget About The Customer!
A bit part of digital transformation is considering the customer. It involves a technology toolkit that’s made up of data analytics, insurance software and APIs. Full article with thanks to: insurancebusinessmag.com/us/news/technology/digital-transformation-must-happen-across-entire-insurance-ecosystem-226451.aspx The global COVID-19 pandemic has placed insurance technology under the spotlight. It has weeded out the digital front-runners from the digital dawdlers and has highlighted the importance of innovation …